Wednesday, February 23, 2011

60 Watt on 500 KHz

The  new toroids  FT240-31 and FT 140-32. Using these is overkill for the power levels I hope to reach.
In the future I will try to get some more power. Then I do need them.

Using those cores improved the amplifier dramatically. Now I can get at least 60 Watt sinus output. A bit more when it has warmed up ,which seems strange.

While I was waiting for the core to arrive I build a 7 elements lowpass filter. I almost burned up the capacitors when I applied power to it. They can not handle 100 Volts thats is clear. I have no idea how much they can handle. I bought a bag full of them on Ebay. No info is available.  So I used a series circuit  of 2 capacitors to decrease the voltage. That worked quite well. They still get to hot though. After a minute full power the output is no longer a clean sinus. So eventually I will use a series circuit of 3 or more capacitors.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Power amplifier continued

The TC4427 diver ic's have arrived. The same night I tried one out. It was a success. The efficiency of the amplifier increased dramatically. Now the dummyload gets warm instead of the FET's.  It is hard estimate the efficiency as the output signal is not a sinus nor a block. It seems I can get 25 watt output while the FETS stay cool.

I am not out of the woods yet as the ringcores of the output transformers get hot. New bigger ones have been ordered. So I have to wait for them to arrive.